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Creating a SQL Server Database

Follow instructions provided by Microsoft and any standards set by your organization. Movable Type will initialize the database and create the necessary tables and indices.

Before you install Movable Type, collect the following information about the database:

  • Name
  • User name
  • Password
  • Server host name: localhost, server name, or server IP address
  • SQL Server character set:
    • UTF-8 (Movable Type’s default character set)
    • ISO-8859-1
    • Shift_JIS
  • SQL Server object driver:
    • ObjectDriver DBI::mssqlserver should be used if “PublishCharset Shift_JIS” or “PublishCharset ISO-8859-1” is declared elsewhere in mt-config.cgi
    • ObjectDriver DBI::umssqlserver should be used if “PublishCharset UTF-8” is declared elsewhere in mt-config.cgi
  • Port number (if not the default: 1433)

Warning: The PublishCharset directive in mt-config.cgi should be explicitly set to a character set that is supported by the ObjectDriver declared elsewhere in mt-config.cgi. If they do not agree, the following error may occur: “Got an error: PublishCharset [currently selected charset] is not supported in this version of MS SQL Server Driver.”

Warning: If no PublishCharset directive is present in the mt-config.cgi file, Movable Type defaults to the utf-8 character set.

If SQL Server is configured to use Windows integrated authentication (recommended), you do not need to provide a user name and password to access the database.

If SQL Server is configured to use Mixed Authentication mode, you must provide the user name and password when you set up Movable Type to use the SQL Server database.

Using SQL Server with Movable Type Dynamic Publishing

Dynamic publishing is a Movable Type option that displays page components directly from the database—instead of generating HTML pages in advance. For a complete description of Dynamic publishing and instructions on how to set up Movable Type to use it, see Static and Dynamic Publishing Modes.

Dynamic publishing requires that you install PHP on your Web server. If you are using SQL Server, you must also install a newer version of the file ntwdblib.dll than is provided with PHP on your database server.

You can get the newer version of ntwdblib.dll from Microsoft SQL Server 2000 if you have it, or request it from Six Apart.

To use the correct protocol from PHP to SQL Server add the following settings to the database server’s registry:


Add the following settings to the Web server’s php.ini file:

cgi.force_redirect = 0
mssql.textlimit = 2147483647
mssql.textsize = 2147483647
mssql.datetimeconvert = Off
mssql.secure_connection = On