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Signing in with OpenID

On a Motion blog, verified users who’ve signed in with OpenID can save favorites and comment on entries just like registered users.  

To use OpenID to sign in as a verified user, first go to the Motion blog’s sign in screen.

  1. Click the “Sign In” link in the upper right hand corner and you will be redirected to the sign in screen. 

  2. Click on the name of the account you would like to sign in with. 

  3. The form will change to match the account you choose.  Either click on the sign in link for your preferred account, or enter the name of the account and click the “Sign In” button.

  4. Once you’ve signed in, you’ll see your display name, “Edit Profile”, and “Sign Out Link” in the upper right hand corner of the Motion blog.

 Three types of authentication are automatically allowed when you create a new blog:
  • Movable Type (verified users)
  • LiveJournal
  • Vox
You can sign in from various other accounts, but only those accounts approved by the administrator.
