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Upgrading to Movable Type 5.13, 5.07, or 4.38

Firstly, follow the instructions found in Movable Type’s upgrade guide to upgrade your Movable Type installation.

Refresh Templates

<p>As a result of security fixes in Movable Type 5.13, 5.06 and 4.38, some of the global templates and  JavaScript template in each blog were updated. <strong>You need to refresh those templates to comment or to use Community features</strong> once you upgrade to Movable Type 5.13, 5.07, 4.38, or later version. This chapter explains the procedure.</p>

<p>If you are using Movable Type's default theme, and have never customized global templates or JavaScript template, please follow these steps.</p>

<p>Once you successful upgrade your installation, you need to make changes to the following templates.</p>

  <li><a href="#bundle-javascript">Refresh JavaScript template in each blog (required)</a></li>
  <li><a href="#bundle-refresh-global">Refresh global template (required)</a></li>
  <li><a href="#refresh-community">Refresh community blog template (required)</a></li>
  <li><a href="#refresh-preview">Refresh comment preview templates in Classic Blog(Website) and Pico theme  (required)</a></li>
  <li><a href="#refresh-each">Other optional changes in the default themes (optional)</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Apply the patch to fix the plugin template load error (optional)</a></li>

<p>If you are using a third-party theme, please follow the instruction from the theme developer. Here is <a href="">a instruction for theme developers</a>.</p>

<div class="section" id="bundle-javascript">
  <h3>Refresh JavaScript template ( required )</h3>

  <p>In Movable Type 5.13, 5.07 and 4.38, JavaScript templates in the bundled themes ( Professional Website/Blog, Classic Website/Blog, Community Blog, Community Forum, Pico ) were updated.</p>
  <p>If you are using one of these themes and also using commenting or community features, please refresh your JavaScript template in each blog.</p>

    <li>Select Blog (Website) from the horizontal navigation.</li>
    <li>Click <strong>[Design] &gt; [Templates]</strong> in the side menu.</li>
    <li>Select <strong>JavaScript</strong> template's checkbox in Index Templates, select <strong>[Refresh Template(s)]</strong> from the <strong>[More actions...]</strong> pull-down, and click <strong>[Go]</strong> button.</li>
    <li>Click <strong>[Return to templates]</strong> in Template Refresh page.</li>
    <li>Select the <strong>JavaScript</strong> template, and click <strong>[Publish]</strong> button.</li>
    <li>Confirm that you can comment on the blog correctly.</li>

  <p>If you have multiple blogs, please iterate this procedure for each blog.</p>

  <div class="section" id="list-javascript">
    <h4>Details for developers</h4>

    <p>If you are a developer, here are more details about the changes in JavaScript template.</p>
      <li><a href="">Changes in JavaScript template</a>
          <li><a href="">How to update your theme</a></li>
          <li><a href="">Impact on authentication plugins</a></li>
          <li><a href="">session_js is obsoleted</a></li>
          <li><a href="">Changes in comment authentication</a></li>
          <li><a href="">mtEditLink is obsoleted</a></li>
  </div> <!-- javascript -->

</div> <!-- bundle-javascript -->

<div class="section" id="bundle-refresh-global">
  <h3>Refresh Global Templates ( required )</h3>

  <p>Global templates are managed by the system level, and shared between blogs. Global templates are used for pages such as a blog-side sign-in, edit profile on the community blog, or system emails. If you have never customized (edited) these templates, you can simply refresh all global templates with the following steps. </p>

    <li>Sign-in to the admin screen with a system administrator account.</li>
    <li>Select <strong>[System]</strong> from the horizontal navigation.</li>
    <li>Click <strong>[Design] &gt; [Templates]</strong> in the side menu.</li>
    <li>Select <strong>Refresh Templates</strong> from the <strong>Actions</strong> widget.</li>
    <li>Select <strong>Reset to factory defaults</strong> option, and click <strong>[Continue]</strong> then <strong>[Confirm]</strong> button.</li>

  <p>If you have customized Global templates, please refresh the following templates manually.</p>

  <div class="section" id="list-community">
    <h4>Manually refresh system templates for Community Blog and Forum</h4>

    <p>If you are using Movable Type Pro, Advanced, Enterprise (4.x), the following templates are updated in this release. </p>

      <li>System Templates
          <li>GlobalJavaScript (Updated in 5.13, 5.07, 4.38 : required)</li>
          <li><a href="">Profile View</a> (Updated in 5.13, 5.07, 4.38 : required)</li>
          <li><a href="">Login Form</a> (Updated in 5.13, 5.07, 4.38 : required)</li>
          <li><a href="">Profile Edit Form</a> (Updated in 5.13 : required)</li>
          <li><a href="">New Password Form</a> (Updated in 5.13 : required)</li>          
          <li><a href="">Registration Form</a> (Updated in 5.13 : required)</li>
      <li>Template Modules
          <li><a href="">Form Field</a> (Updated in 5.13 : required)</li>
  </div> <!-- list-community -->

  <p>Please refresh each template manually.</p>

    <li>Sign-in to the admin screen with a system administrator account.</li>
    <li>Select <strong>[System]</strong> from the horizontal navigation.</li>
    <li>Click <strong>[Design] &gt; [Templates]</strong> in the side menu.</li>
    <li>Select checkboxes of the updated templates from the list.</li>
    <li>Select <strong>[Refresh Template(s)]</strong> from the <strong>[More actions...]</strong> pull-down, and click <strong>[Go]</strong> button.</li>
    <li>Click <strong>[Return to templates]</strong> in Template Refresh page.</li>

  <div class="section" id="list-mail">
    <p>The following templates were added for the new user/IP lockout feature in Movable Type 5.13.</p>
      <li>Email Templates
          <li>IP Address LockoutIP ( New in 5.13 )</li>
          <li>User Lockout ( New in 5.13 )</li>
  </div> <!-- list-mail -->    
</div> <!-- bundle-refresh-global -->

<div class="section" id="refresh-community">
  <h3>Refresh Community blog template (required)</h3>

  <p>If you are using Community Blog theme, <a href="">"Comment Form" template module was updated</a>. Please refresh your blog template with the following steps.</p>

    <li>Select your community blog from the horizontal navigation.</li>
    <li>Click <strong>[Design] &gt; [Templates]</strong> in the side menu.</li>
    <li>Select the checkbox of <strong>"Comment Form"</strong> template module.</li>
    <li>Select <strong>[Refresh Template(s)]</strong> from the <strong>[More actions...]</strong> pull-down, and click <strong>[Go]</strong> button.</li>
    <li>Click <strong>[Return to templates]</strong> in Template Refresh page.</li>
    <li>Rebuild Entry Archive Templates.</li>
</div> <!-- refresh-community -->  

<div class="section" id="refresh-preview">
  <h3>Refresh comment preview templates in Classic Blog(Website) and Pico theme</h3>

  <p><a href="">"Comment Preview" template was updated</a> in Classic Blog(Website) and Pico theme. If you are using the commenting features in 5.13, 5.07,or 4.38, please refresh the template in the blog.</p>

    <li>Select your Classic or Pico blog from the horizontal navigation.</li>
    <li>Click <strong>[Design] &gt; [Templates]</strong> in the side menu.</li>
    <li>Select the checkbox of <strong>"Comment Preview"</strong> in system templates.</li>
    <li>Select <strong>[Refresh Template(s)]</strong> from the <strong>[More actions...]</strong> pull-down, and click <strong>[Go]</strong> button.</li>
    <li>Click <strong>[Return to templates]</strong> in Template Refresh page.</li>
</div> <!-- refresh-preview -->

<div class="section" id="refresh-each">
  <h3>Other optional changes in the default themes</h3>

  <p>The following themes were updated in this release. If you are using these themes, please consider to refresh the corresponding template. Note that the following changes are optional if you don't have an issue currently.</p>

  <div class="section" id="list-profssional">
    <h4>Professional Website / Blog</h4>

    <p>The following template was updated. &lt;$mt:AdminScript$&gt; was removed by this change. This is an optional change.</p>
      <li>Template Modules
          <li><a href="">Header</a> ( Updated in 5.13, 5.07, 4.38 )</li>
  </div> <!-- list-professional -->

  <div class="section" id="list-pico">

    <p>The following template was updated. "&lt;$MTStaticWebPath$&gt;support" was replaced by &lt;$mt:SupportDirectoryURL$&gt;. This is an optional change.</p>

      <li>Index Templates
          <li><a href="">Stylesheet</a> ( Updated in 5.13, 5.07 )</li>
  </div> <!-- list-pico -->

  <div class="section" id="list-smartblog">
    <h4>Smart Blog</h4>

    <p>Smart Blog is the Movable Type 5 theme optimized for PC, iPhone, iPad, and Android. You can download the latest version from the github.</p>

      <li><a href="">movabletype/mt-theme-smart-blog - GitHub</a></li>

    <p>If you have already installed this theme and wish to update to the latest release, you firstly need to delete the following folder in your Movable Type installation.</p>

    <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">mt-static/support/theme_static/smart_blog

    <p>And upload the following folder from the latest version of the theme.</p>

    <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">SmartphoneOption-1.x/themes/smart_blog/static

    <p>Here are the changes in this release:</p>

      <li>Update jQuery Mobile to version 1.0</li>
      <li>Use &lt;$mt:SupportDirectoryURL$&gt;</li>
      <li>Fixed a bug related to the footer module.</li>
  </div> <!-- list-smartblog -->

</div> <!-- refresh-each -->
